Friday, November 14, 2014

DXN MOrinzhi

Scientifically known as Morinda Citrifolia, Noni is found mainly in French Polynesia (Tahiti) and also in Malaysia, as it is well adapted to the country’s climate and soil. It was traditionally used as a health tonic in the tropics. DXN grow our own Noni organically, in a natural pollution - free environment with micro nutrient - rich soils. Harvested when ripe, to ensure nutrients and active ingredients are at optimum levels to deliver maximum benefits to the end consumer. DXN’s Morinzhi is made from freshly squeezed Noni juice, enriched with 100% pure and natural Roselle extract to enhance the nutritional benefits and taste of this nutrient-rich beverage (No water is added). DXN grow our own Noni organically, in a natural pollution - free environment with micro nutrient - rich soils. Harvested when ripe, to ensure nutrients and active ingredients are at optimum levels to deliver maximum benefit it to the end consumer. Noni’s active ingredients are Antioxidants, Phyto-nutrients, high in Enzymes, a great source of Vitamins (especially Vitamin C), Minerals and is rich in Fibre. The goodness of consuming Noni helps to support the Immune System; Digestion and Intestinal health; Inflammation and overall Well-Being. Antioxidants assist in maintenance of Healthy Skin, Hair and Scalp; and eliminating free radicals. Suitable to apply directly onto burns or skin problems. Recommended for: Everyone including children.

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