Friday, November 14, 2014

DXN Andro-G

Andro - G Herbal for Colds and flu, Sore Throat, Liver and Diarrhea A herb growing in Asian villages is being sold as a popular flu remedy in the west. The botanical name of this herb is Andrographis Paniculata (Hempedu Bumi). This herb has been studied for its wide range of therapeutic properties for liver protection, immune stimulating, anti-inflammatory, anti-fever as well as for clinical treatment of common colds, fever, sore throat and diarrhea. Also for cleansing the gastro-intestinal tract of viral and fungal infections, yeast, parasites and clogged feacal matter. It's considered a herbal first aid kit offering relief from a whole range of disorders. In various studies, Andro G was shown to be superior to Milk Thistle in its liver protection and bile promoting properties. The active constituents, the andrograholides act as strong antioxidants, protecting the liver and digestive system. Laboratory and clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in cases of toxic liver damage, poor liver function and inflamed liver. Together with its effects on the liver and digestion, Andro G also shown to prevent the build up of cholesterol in the circulatory system to a degree that is more substantial than fish oil. It is particularly suited for those on high cholesterol diets. Traditionally, the herb is also used for high blood pressure and modern research has also confirmed it’s gentle and safe action in relaxing the smooth muscles of the body's systems which can help hypertension and gastro-intestinal problems. The global flu epidemic of 1918 was one of the most devastating infectious outbreaks in world history - more virulent even than the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) in the 17th century - killing 50 million people worldwide. No country escaped its onslaught but in India, an amazing herb, Andrographis paniculata, was credited with stopping the spread of the deadly virus.

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