Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Imbalance Body Function

Chronic diseases caused by imbalance of body functions

Each and every day our body’s are being continually bombarded with poisonous toxins; through the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.

Fortunately, our body’s have an innate ability to self-heal and doctor itself. However due to the vast quantities of toxins in our food, water and the air we breathe our body’s simply cannot keep up, putting stress on our vital organs such as our kidneys and liver which can lead to disease.

We are the carer of our own body’s. This being the case we must take responsibility for the daily decisions that we make about our health and the food we eat, which will determine how long or short our lives might be. “We were created to live LONG and HEALTHY lives” but this is often determined by how we live our lives from day to day. There are no short cuts or quick and easy routes to being healthy. It requires you to set health goals, have determination and most importantly make a commitment to change and maintain a healthy lifestyle!
It is no secret that the general public is constantly searching for ways to improve their health and ultimately the quality of their lives. More and more we are being bombarded with information (some accurate and some not) concerning weight loss, avoiding baldness, enhancing energy, reversing cancer and diabetes, relieving arthritis, eliminating migraines, and a myriad of other health issues. All this often leads to “Information Overload” which can make things confusing and often leads to people doing nothing or giving up on their health because they have no idea what will or what won’t work.

Heart disease and cancer are the 2 top killers in the US.

In the US each year 39,000 people die due to unnecessary surgery and other errors in hospitals. 80,000 people die due to other infections in hospitals and a staggering 106,000 people die due to adverse drug reactions.

Heart Disease = 652,486 deaths
Cancer = 553,888 deaths
Modern Medicine = 225,000 deaths

In today’s world we are lead to believe that that there is a “Pill for Every Ill”.
“Good health makes a lot of sense but it does not make a lot of dollars”.
Herein lies the problem; “We Are What You Eat”

How old is your food? In the US food travels between 1500 and 2000 miles before you get it and it could be at a week old and this is probably no different in Australia. This brings us to the next question. How much nutritional value is left in the food by the time you eat it? If you are lucky you might be getting 40% of its nutrients and this is before it has been cooked”

Nearly all food that you purchase in and around a big city has been processed and one of the major problems according to Charlotte Gerson (founder of the Gerson institute) is the soil that our food is grown in, and what we do to the soil, air and water. Our soils are used over and over again, making it nutrient deficient, causing the soils to become like deserts. The so called fertilizer that agriculture uses to assist crops to grow these days, is mainly made up of only 3 minerals; Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. This is fine and good according to Charlotte, however the problem is that our soil requires approximately 52 different minerals. This being the case, where is the Calcium, Manganese, Zinc and the Iron? to name a few she asks? “They’re Missing!” Consequently if the soil is deficient so are the plants deficient and weakened and lose their defences and the bugs and disease comes and attacks them. She says “This is where the chemical companies step in by providing chemicals, growth stimulants and pesticides”. This of course makes the chemical companies happy because this allows them to sell millions and millions of dollars worth of chemicals as a temporary fix, she says.

If we eat commercial food, we are eating, deficient, toxic food! Consequently
our body’s cannot help but be deficient and toxic unless
we choose to do something about it!

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